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Fukuoka Prefectural University

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Fukuoka Prefectural University

School of Human and Social Sciences

Fukuoka Prefectural University's School of Human and Social Sciences (also known as the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences) is dedicated to the betterment of society through the provision of graduates equipped with the vision, creativity and skills necessary to negotiate the challenges of the 21st century. The faculty prides itself on both its practical and, in terms of research and planning, philosophical contribution to the welfare of Japanese society and to societies abroad. To this end, the faculty offers a wide range of courses and qualifications through its departments (The Department of Public Sociology, The Department of Social Welfare, and the Department of Human Development and Education) as well as through its General Education Center. We look forward to welcoming you to our university, and to guiding you along the road to becoming an innovative leader of society.

Features of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences

The primary objective of the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences is to produce graduates capable of making a meaningful contribution to the community in Fukuoka Prefecture and beyond. This is particularly important as Japan looks to transform itself into an "advanced welfare society", i.e. one in which citizens can enjoy harmonious relationships with each other and spend healthy, stable and fulfilling lives. The Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences therefore emphasises the development of individuals capable of making a difference in such diverse arenas as general policy-making, welfare and the provision of lifelong education.
The courses pursue the following three main objectives towards the procurement of a detailed and comprehensive understanding of social and human sciences:

(1) To adopt a multidimensional and multilateral approach to person-to-person and person-to-society relationships within the framework of social structures/functions, their formation and subsequent development.

(2) To develop theories capable of improving the quality of social welfare, as well as the practical expertise necessary to realize them.

(3) To illuminate the human condition from the perspective of lifelong personality development. This involves studying theories on how to encourage lifelong achievement, as well as examining psychological and clinical support systems for persons with developmental disorders and their families.

Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences

Department of Public Sociology Department of Social welfare
 -Fundamental Principles of Sociology
 -Contemporary Social Studies
 -Community Studies
 -Global and Asian Studies
 -Social Research Methodologies
Social Work
Psychiatric Social Work
Social Work
Department of Human Development
and Education
Comprehensive Human
and Social Courses
Early Childhood Education and Care
Child Welfare
General Psychology
Applied Psychology
Data Science
Career Management

1. Education that responds to social and cultural changes

(1) Education that reflects internationalization, e.g. inviting non-Japanese staff members to the university and promoting international exchange programmes.

(2) Education that responds to the demands of an information-oriented society, e.g. emphasising the development of computer skills and the use of statistics.

(3) Education that responds to the needs of the aging society and a desire for continued personal development, e.g. establishing lifelong education programmes.

2. Education that incorporates regional characteristics

(1) Education that focuses on and seeks solutions to local challenges in Fukuoka prefecture and the Chikuho district.

(2) Education that is accessible to the local community through special extension courses and a public library.

(3) Education that addresses the north-south problem regarding local and ethnic issues.

3. Education that contributes to the promotion of lifelong learning

(1) Education that is open to all, e.g. adults, non-Japanese nationals, returnees, transfer students, etc.

(2) Education that is closely related to training programs offered by the healthcare/social welfare departments and education board of the Fukuoka municipal government.

(3) Education that provides materials, seminar rooms, equipment and other facilities for use by lifelong learning programmes.

4. Education that prioritises small-group learning

(1) Education that gives each student the opportunity to enjoy one-to-one lessons and personal guidance from the instructor.

(2) Education that encourages interaction between the faculty and student body.

(3) Education that provides opportunities for meaningful interaction via dormitory life, extracurricular activities and international exchange programmes.

It is the faculty's objective to promote all of the above in order to cultivate an exceptionally rich learning experience for each and every student and to benefit the wider community as a whole.

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